28569 Dancing Bear Ln NW Shevlin, MN 56676
If you are familiar with the area, directions from Bemidji are as follows:
- On Highway 2 go west past Bemidji, past the airport
- Turn right at Pete's Place onto Highway 89 and go north
- Drive 20 miles North and turn left or west onto County Road 32 west
- Go approximately 7-7.5 miles
- Turn right or north onto County Road 601 (dirt road) with a small road sign
- Drive another couple of miles and the lake is on your right
- Turn right at the Garrison's Resort wooden sign
- On Highway 2 go west past Bemidji, past the airport
- Turn right at Pete's Place onto Highway 89 and go north
- Drive 20 miles North and turn left or west onto County Road 32 west
- Go approximately 7-7.5 miles
- Turn right or north onto County Road 601 (dirt road) with a small road sign
- Drive another couple of miles and the lake is on your right
- Turn right at the Garrison's Resort wooden sign